
This is the genus that contains the brightly coloured Pajama nudibranch. Flat egg masses are characteristic.


Many species can be quite large as in G. reticulatus. The egg masses are attach to the bottom along their narrow edges.
Behaviour helps the identification of some species. Raising and lowering the mantle around the head is characteristic of e.g. G. hintuanensis, while very active mantle flapping is seen in the species related to G. kuniei.
Another group is characterised by a fairly evenly coloured mantle, often white or yellow, with distinctive coloured marginal bands.

Ardeadoris & Glossodoris

These tend to be fairly large nudbranchs with an undulate mantle edge. G. cincta is most often noticed by non-specialist divers in SE Asia. The egg ribbons are laid in spirals, fastened to the substrate on their narrow edge.
Ardeadoris is closely related to Glossodoris. The mantle undulations are less flexible and teh background colour of the mantle is generally white.


Doroprismatica have fairly rigid undulated mantle margins,and tend to be narrower relative to their length in contrast to Glossodoris.
In SE Asia, the black D. stellata covered in thousands of white spots is often seen feeding on Elephant Ear sponges (Ianthella basta). Egg-masses are generally laid on the underside of the sponges.


Hypselodoris is charaacterised by a a body that is relatively high in relation to the width as can be seen in the photo of H. bullocki. See Gosliner et al. (2018) for details on the groupings within the genus.


Ceratosoma and Miamara used to be considered a single genus, but a genetically quite distinct.
Ceratosome are generally quite large with the posterior part of the mantle narrowed, stiff, and arched over the gills for protection. C. trilobatum is large enough to offer space for hitch-hiking Emperor Shrimps.
Miamira species are bizarrly shaped and often brightly coloured.

Chromodoridae - misc. genera

Mexichromis, Verconia, Diversidoris, and Thorunna are covered here.