Reef Stories


Crabs & Lobsters

Little studied & many are new!

Crab Index



Crabs - general

Carrier Crabs

Coral crabs

Coral Crabs

Coral crabs

Decorator Crabs

Decorator Crabs

Gall Crabs

Decorator Crabs

Land & Sea Crabs

Land & sea crabs



Porcelain Crabs


Round Crabs


Swimming Crabs


Quadrella coronata
Quadrella coronata - a pair
Quadrella coronata
Quadrella maculosa
Quadrella serenei
Quadrella maculosa
Quadrella sp.
Trapezia tigrina
Trapezia sp.
Tubastrea micrantha Trapezid cab
Stacks Image 2837
Zebrida adamsii
Zebrida adamsii
Zebrida adamsii

Foraging male
Emerald gall crab in burrow
Unidentifed red-legged species
Foraging on coral surface
Foraging on coral surface
Foraging on coral surface
A headshield looking like two large eyes
Foraging on coral surface
Foraging on coral surface
Sand grains help camoflage
Female on left, male foraging on right
"Zebra" gall crab
Neotroglocarcinus dawydoffi on the left and a Pseudocryptochirus viridis
Algal growth outside burrow
"Headshield" gall crab in burrow
Gall on Seriatopora induced by a gall crob

Porcellanella haigae
Petrolisthes sp.
Petrolisthes sp.
Neopetrolisthes spinatus feeding
Neopetrolisthes spinatus
Neopetrolisthes spinatus
Neopetrolisthes spinatus - the two colour forms were previously described as separate species
Stacks Image 2398
Aliaporcellana sp.

Help Save Reefs!

The organisations that work to protect coral reefs and our oceans need as much support as they can get. Check out:

If you are a diver, and especially if you are an underwater photographer, donate. If you do nothing, there will be nothing to dive on and nothing to photograph.

These are suggestions, but not endorsements of the suggested organisations. It is your responsibility to review and check the charities you wish to donate to.

Gall Crabs

Foraging male
Emerald gall crab in burrow
Unidentifed red-legged species
Foraging on coral surface
Foraging on coral surface
Foraging on coral surface
A headshield looking like two large eyes
Foraging on coral surface
Foraging on coral surface
Sand grains help camoflage
Female on left, male foraging on right
"Zebra" gall crab
Neotroglocarcinus dawydoffi on the left and a Pseudocryptochirus viridis
Algal growth outside burrow
"Headshield" gall crab in burrow
Gall on Seriatopora induced by a gall crob

Coral Crabs

Quadrella coronata
Quadrella coronata - a pair
Quadrella maculosa
Quadrella serenei
Quadrella serenei
Quadrella sp.
Trapezia tigrina
Tubastrea micrantha Trapezid cab
Zebrida adamsii

Porcelain Crabs

Porcellanella haigae
Petrolisthes sp.
Petrolisthes sp.
Neopetrolisthes spinatus feeding
Neopetrolisthes spinatus
Neopetrolisthes spinatus - the two colour forms were previously described as separate species
Lissoporceliana cf. nakasonei
Aliaporcellana sp.